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Customer Experience Wish List For 2017

1. Disconnected customer service systems that require you to enter the same information again and again and again each time you switch to a new department.

2. Captchas that are so obtuse it takes five times to get it right. 
3. Mobile and web sites that don’t talk to each other or remember your information, even when you ask them to.
4. Retargeted advertising that keeps selling you after you’ve already been sold.
5. Robo-callers that tell you what you already know.
6. Shopping sites that require entering convoluted discount codes.

7. Deceptive pricing.
8. Communications that don’t discern where you are in the purchase cycle.
9. Employees who lack the training and knowledge to answer basic questions.
10. Websites that offer no way to ever connect with a human for a voice conversation.

What’s missing from the list?

Laurie Petersen is a writer, editor, content strategist and event organizer based in Hoboken, NJ. She is a former executive editor of MediaPost and ADWEEK's Marketing Week

#LauriePetersen, #adexchanger, #CX, #JorgeAnayaIzquierdo, #quehacerinvestigium, 


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