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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018

Report Confirms Huge Demand for Data Scientists | RBDR

#bigdata, #analytics, #datascientist, #RBDR, #boblederer, 

Future of Market Research and Insights is Passive Data Collection @greenbook

" Researchers often feel threatened by non-primary data sources. However, it's important to recognize observed behavior is designed to complement, not compete with reported data"  Christopher Boon The Future of Market Research and Insights is Passive Data Collection #datasources, #passivedata, #marketresearch, #datacollection, #datadriven, #insights, 

What Is The Future of Brand Tracking? @greenbook

"Brand Tracking is evolving to rely more on observed social and behavioral data, and less on traditional survey data, with predicting the future the goal. This shift will accelerate as analytic capabilities grow and mindsets shift. " Larry Friedman, Ph.D. what-is-the-future-of-brand-tracking #greenbookblog, #Brand, #tracking, @greenbook,

Dynamic Omnichannel Video @adexchanger

"Measuring 'Up': Capturing The Consumer With Dynamic Omnichannel Video" In the age of media fragmentation, securing the appropriate level of reach and frequency in video can feel overwhelming. Just picture the day of typical media consumers. Some might flip on TV news while dressing in the morning, snack some mobile content on the commute to work, spend a day in front a desktop computer, watch more mobile video on the way home and then relax with a scripted TV show on demand via addressable TVs. An older demographic may prefer linear TV, mixed with Facebook while catching some shows on a tablet. And cord-nevers may use nothing but phones, laptops and perhaps connected TVs (CTVs). How, then, can advertisers reach their target audiences, avoid oversaturating them with messaging and also corral media spend? Dynamic omnichannel marketing The answer lies in thinking first about the media consumer instead of allocating budgets to specific channels from the start. It...

Antes de Contratar Medición de Audiencias Digitales, Mediten sobre estos puntos de @imarchant

Estos son mis comentarios... Totalmente de Acuerdo. Añadiría que el ES debe levantarse con la frecuencia que demanden los auditores, que debe hacerse público entre los suscriptores del sistema, que declare la penetración del medio que esta siendo medido, así como la rotación de los panelistas...