" Video on-demand is the broad term to say that you can watch video whenever you want to watch it. " " Catch-up TV is a "type" of VOD. Catch-up can mostly be thought of recording your TV in some form so that you can catch-up anything you missed at a later point. Most premium Pay TV services provide some sort of catch-up option, with a defined timeline. Technically, you can "rewind" what was a linear broadcast and then start watching from some point. After watching your missed program, you might be able to skip over to another program. If you didn't do anything, it'd just continue playing linearly. That's the primary difference between Catch-up and VOD." https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-VOD-and-catch-up-TV #VOD, #catch-up, #TV,
En 2020 vino el SARS-CoV-2 detonado cambios relevantes en la actividad humana, (socio culturales y económicos). Ante este escenario de final incierto (podrían ser meses o años), la situación apela a un juicio educado acerca de los efectos de la cuarentena que modificará hábitos de exposición, cambiará perspectivas sobre las marcas y actitudes ante los medios. La dirección y magnitud de dichos cambios están siendo cuantificados pero no hay nada concluyente todavía.